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- Mycelium OLD | Mysite
Mycelium My Networks Mental Health Project Mycelium - Forest Mental Health Project Structure The Forest Community of Practice Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership Recovery and Wellbeing Café The Resources Hub & Library The Forest Community of Practice Monthly face-to-face learning collaborative, reflective practice & peer supervision. 2nd Tuesday each month. The Forest Community of Practice is for individuals working and volunteering with members of our community where support for mental health is a significant part of their role. This has been set up in response to the My Networks Scoping Project. Many local social care practitioners stated that they wished to receive ongoing support to develop reflective practice, link with others and build skills that would help them to become more confident responding to mental distress, particularly with the increasing complexities that they were coming across in their roles. The C of P will be supported by clinicians, professionals and lived experience practitioners from the VCS & NHS who have been involved in the Community Mental Health Transformation programme. It will provide an opportunity for collaborative learning, peer supervision and professional development. We hope a community of Forest mental health practitioners will emerge from these sessions. If you, or a mental health champion from your team, are interested and able to join us, please get in touch. Please get in touch if you have any questions or want the most current information about scheduling details - or text 07394 945046 Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership The Locality Partnership offers VCS and faith-based organisations the opportunity to meet with other professionals and voluntary groups who are supporting people with their mental health in the Forest of Dean. The Partnership is a collective of social care practitioners who are working towards a community response to the My Networks scoping project findings. By coming together, we hope to keep abreast of developments, begin partnership projects or create collaborative opportunities that can address what is needed for better mental health in the Forest of Dean. We are now an integral part of the wider Forest Know Your Patch network. Regular online meetings as well as live, in-person events are held where topics and projects are discussed and highlighted. As well as this, the FKYP works closely with other statutory organisations offering a platform to disseminate up-to-date information about services available in the community. Recovery & Wellbeing Café “A Community Created Curriculum of Curious Conversations” Weekly Face-to-Face Discussions & Recovery Educational Sessions Each Wednesday (Term Time) at Café 16 in Coleford from 6-8pm. “A safe space to create who you are, not be told what to think.” Join conversations with a diverse range of people with professional & lived experience of different subjects, local people who have gained understandings about the impact current concerns have upon mental health, recovery and wellbeing. We are building a supportive space where, as critical friends, we can learn together and support each other with our individual understandings. All curious & compassionate folk welcome. Recovery & Wellbeing Café - Current Programme The Resource Hub, Research Room & Lived Experience Library Leaflets & literature on wellness, recovery, self-help & coping with mental distress. The group office, based above the Library at The Main Place in Coleford, is available for members to use as a safe and confidential space. We keep material that may be of use to members – and we are happy for people to provide us with leaflets that they would like shared. To read the My Networks Scoping Project Report please visit:
- Mycelium | Mysite
Mycelium My Networks Mental Health Project Mycelium - Forest Mental Health Project The Mycelium Project aims to create an infrastructure in the Forest of Dean that: Influences change in statutory services for mental health services and support. Provides training to build a network of Lived Experience Practitioners who will support peer workers in the healthcare and voluntary and community sector. Offers support, supervision, safeguarding, visibility, and accountability. Click on the image to find out more information: Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership Peer Development Recovery & Wellbeing Café Resource Hub/Library
- Resource Hub/Library | Mysite
Resource Hub/Library Leaflets & literature on wellness, recovery, self-help & coping with mental distress. The group office, based above the Library at The Main Place in Coleford, is available for members to use as a safe and confidential space. We keep material that may be of use to members – and we are happy for people to provide us with leaflets that they would like shared. To read the My Networks Scoping Project Report please visit:
- Recovery & Wellbeing Café | Mysite
Recovery & Wellbeing Café “A Community Created Curriculum of Curious Conversations” Weekly Face-to-Face Discussions & Recovery Educational Sessions Each Wednesday (Term Time) at Café 16 in Coleford from 6-8pm. “A safe space to create who you are, not be told what to think.” Join conversations with a diverse range of people with professional & lived experience of different subjects, local people who have gained understandings about the impact current concerns have upon mental health, recovery and wellbeing. We are building a supportive space where, as critical friends, we can learn together and support each other with our individual understandings. All curious & compassionate folk welcome.
- Peer Development | Mysite
Peer Development Developing the space between us to enable better Community Health and Wellbeing. Mycelium seeks to promote connectedness between people and encourage collaboration in service development in the Forest of Dean. Mycelium seeks to promote connectedness between people and encourage collaboration in service development in the Forest of Dean. We wish to do so to develop a counternarrative to ‘siloed working’ and the overbearing competitiveness between people, organisations and within emerging systems. We value both lived and professional experience equally and work from a horizontal, narrative informed, peer advocacy model with co-production and action research principles at its core. What do we do? We offer Peer Advocacy, Peer Mentoring & Peer Development for individuals, groups and organisations living or working in the Forest of Dean. For People from our Communities We work with individuals providing 1 to 1 support. Using peer advocacy and peer mentoring principles we can help you to develop a ‘recovery practice’ that enables you to get back up after a crisis, or travel safely through a difficult period in your life. We can help you: to understand and respond to social care needs or a health condition and can help you to cope with a situation that is causing you emotional distress. to find information, to build confidence as you begin to identify, navigate and try out the wellbeing and self-help resources that are available to you in your local community. if issues arise when trying to build yourself up again - we can be there and help you to learn about yourself, your world and your rights. to travel through the complexities of recovery from a health condition, from mental illness, trauma or addiction - to raise your voice about what is important to you as you do so. to access advice from the best expertise available and can then support you to understand, choose between and explore the options opened up for you by that advice. to access community groups and projects and help them in turn to become more confident, compassionate and efficient when supporting individuals experiencing mental health difficulties. Peer advocacy will work on up to three specific community advocacy issues at a time, but the Peer mentoring will be open access, an ‘in the background’ wrap around support that will attempt to respond to your unique circumstances and complex needs whilst still trying to link you in with the best expertise available to you. For Volunteers and Professionals “Project Support” - We work with individuals developing groups and organisations With consultancy, reflective practice and ongoing support we can help lived experience practitioners, peer support workers and staff with lived experience who are working in the VCS and local health and social care settings, to use their experiences of illness or mental distress in a way that is safe, effective and compassionate for both them and the people they are supporting. We can help: you to develop an idea, a workshop, a group or a project that has arisen from your own unique situation, lived experience or from the skills and awareness gained on your recovery journey. provide or link you in with training, information, supervision and a support structure around you to enable you to turn this awareness into a skill that can benefit others in your local community. projects, groups and organisations develop their co-production strategies and be a point of contact with transformed mental health services and the wider supports available. We can enable you to implement these strategies in a non ’tokenistic’ & authentic way. you to stay well and practice self-care whilst working and using your lived experience to help others who are going through health conditions or mental distres s. What does ‘Peer’ mean? “PEER … One that is of equal standing with another” The ‘Peer’ in Peer Advocacy, Peer Mentoring and Peer Development points to shared concerns and experiences. Peer support is when we come together with others who have been through or are recovering from something similar. It is about ‘mutuality’ - helping each other through conversations, activities and spending time together. It can help us not to feel so alone or unusual, to realise that there is a possibility of life beyond and outside of the condition, distress or situation encountered. Peer services connect people and create opportunities for ‘giving back’; they can help us to take notice of the skills and knowledge we have gained on our journeys while also creating opportunities to use these skills to build better services and communities for the future. Who are we? We are all local people with both professional and personal experience of disability, illness, mental distress and/or have been carers for people navigating social and health care systems. We are all individuals who have had extensive experience of managing our own recoveries from illness and mental distress and have learnt much from doing so. We all feel that talking to someone who has ‘been through’ and managed to successfully survive and navigate something similar in the past can be incredibly helpful to those who are feeling isolated with that condition, situation or circumstance in the present. Though we understand the importance of being supported by someone who understands from ‘lived experience’, we also recognise the importance of skill and learning. We know how important ongoing development is to help convert that learning into a constructive, safe and effective practice that enables others. We have all received extensive previous training and are committed to continued professional development alongside the “lived experience” knowledge that we draw upon. We have all benefitted from Peer Advocacy, Peer Support or Peer Mentoring ourselves and are passionate about its enormous benefits for good community mental health and wellbeing. We have all had extensive previous experience of co-production work, collaborative working, community development and promoting diverse voices. What have we done so far? Developing Action Research & our Narrative Model for locality-based peer development Over the past two years Mycelium has been drawing together people with experience, professionals and those passionate about community development, to overcome barriers to discussion and rally around shared concerns or stories. The aim of this has been to increase understanding about mental health illness and, most importantly, move towards improvement of the current situation for individuals, families and the Forest communities. We have developed a Resource Hub, Community-based Recovery Education Sessions and a Community of Practice group for those working with individuals with mental health challenges. We have facilitated extensive community-based action research to ascertain need and identify a network of allies. This has been published alongside papers on co-production and has all been fed into the Community Mental Health Transformation undertaken in Gloucestershire. Who are we for? We have supported the growth of community initiatives that allow everybody’s voices to be heard and we want change to continue to be driven by well-being and mutual aid. We are listening, learning and offering opportunities for all community members within the Forest and invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Anyone 16 + who is living or working in the Forest of Dean. Anyone who feels that they could benefit from support from individuals with experience of managing their own recovery from mental health difficulties, addiction, mental distress or a health condition. Anyone facing challenges in accessing the support that they want and need help to find information, understand their rights, build a support network or develop an advocacy plan of action to raise their voice or complain about the care they have received. Anyone with either diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions and people waiting on waiting lists for assessment. Our aim is to respect all perspectives and encourage action and improvement in the lives of all across our Forest communities. How do I find out more, get involved or access Mycelium support? For more information drop Simon Price (Project Manager and Mental Health Researcher) a message at or call 07394 945046 to arrange a meet up and find out more about Mycelium Peer Development.
- Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality P | Mysite
Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership The Locality Partnership offers VCS and faith-based organisations the opportunity to meet with other professionals and voluntary groups who are supporting people with their mental health in the Forest of Dean. The Partnership is a collective of social care practitioners who are working towards a community response to the My Networks scoping project findings. By coming together, we hope to keep abreast of developments, begin partnership projects or create collaborative opportunities that can address what is needed for better mental health in the Forest of Dean. We are now an integral part of the wider Forest Know Your Patch network. Regular online meetings as well as live, in-person events are held where topics and projects are discussed and highlighted. As well as this, the FKYP works closely with other statutory organisations offering a platform to disseminate up-to-date information about services available in the community.
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Are you a voluntary group? Need support? READ MORE Frequently visited pages: COMMUNITY HUBS VOLUNTEER ADVICE FOREST YOUTH ASSOCIATION ما هو FVAF؟ FVAF لتقف على منتدى العمل التطوعي للغابات. نحن نقدم الدعم للمواطنين المحليين ومجموعات المجتمع والأنشطة للقيام بالأشياء التي تهمهم أكثر. وهذا يشمل ما يلي: مشورة الدعم والتطوير تمرين معلومة اجتماعات التواصل تسهيل التمثيل تجنيد المتطوعين تنسيب المتطوعين ودعمهم ندير أيضًا العديد من المشاريع مع المجتمع المحلي ومن أجله ، مثل جمعية فورست أوف دين للشباب ، وحملات أنشطة العطلات ، وشبكة موسيقى شباب الغابة ، ومشروع GEM ، ودليل فورست كومباس ، والمشي بعجلات وغيرها الكثير. تحقق من صفحة مشاريعنا للحصول على التفاصيل الكاملة. "بناء مجتمعات أقوى في غابة العميد " اكتشف المزيد JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Get the latest community news and check out exciting volunteering opportunity in or around the Forest of Dean... اذهب الى الفيس بوك Useful publications: FREE directory of the many volunteering opportunities available locally... DOWNLOAD شركاؤنا We work with so many amazing and supportive partners. Find out more here... How to contact us Forest Voluntary Action Forum Ow Bist Forest Community Space Dockham Road Cinderford , Glos. GL14 2AN Email us: Tel: 01594 822073 Copyright © 2021 Forest Voluntary Action Forum. All Rights Reserved. Forest Voluntary Action Forum is a charity (1141126) and company limited by guarantee (07557852) registered in England and Wales. The registered address is The Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 2AB. Forest Voluntary Action Forum proudly receives financial support from the Forest of Dean District Council .
- Recovery & Wellbeing Café | Mysite
Recovery & Wellbeing Café
- Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality P | Mysite
Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership
- Peer Advocacy | Mysite
Peer Development
- Voluntary & Community Support | Mysite
التطوع بصفتنا مركز المتطوعين في Forest of Dean ، نحن هنا لمساعدتك في تجنيد وإدارة المتطوعين تطوعنا الجديد كتيب مليء بالتفاصيل من التطوع المحلي الفرص خارج الآن اضغط للتحميل أو التقط نسخة من مكتبتك المحلية أو Community Hub كمركز المتطوعين ل غابة العميد غالبًا ما نكون نقطة الاتصال الأولى لأي شخص مهتم بالتطوع. في العام الماضي ، كنا فخورون بدعمنا لأكثر من 100،000 ساعة من التطوع في المنطقة! تعزز FVAF وتعلن عن مجموعة واسعة من فرص التطوع من المنظمات التي تشاركنا روحنا في دعم المتطوعين والاعتراف بمجموعة واسعة من الأسباب التي تجعل الناس يختارون التطوع. لماذا التطوع؟ للعمل التطوعي عدد من الفوائد الهائلة ، ليس فقط بالنسبة لك بشكل فردي ، ولكن لمجتمعك والعالم الذي نعيش فيه. إذا كنت ترغب في تحسين سيرتك الذاتية ، أو مقابلة أشخاص جدد ، أو الاستفادة من مهاراتك بشكل جيد ، أو تعلم شيء جديد ، أو متابعة اهتمامك ، أو تقديم الخبرة ، أو ببساطة إحداث فرق ، فنحن نضمن لك الحصول على فرصة! يمكنك التعرف على هذه الفرص بالطرق التالية: فرص البحث في اتصل بنا على 01594 822073 تواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني تعال لزيارتنا في FVAF من الاثنين إلى الجمعة 9:00 - 1:00 ( الاتجاهات ) إذا كنت تتطلع إلى التطوع كجزء من مجموعة كبيرة ، على سبيل المثال كجزء من العمل التطوعي للشركات ، فلدينا أيضًا مجموعة واسعة من الفرص للاختيار من بينها. Get the latest volunteer opportunities - direct to your mailbox! Sign up to receive our regular email Volunteer Newsletter: SIGN UP HELP FOR GROUPS - recruiting & managing volunteers As a one-stop-shop for all things volunteering, we can help you find, and keep, the perfect volunteer: كمتجر شامل لجميع الأشياء التطوعية ، فإننا نستخدم منهجية متعددة الأوجه لنمنحك أفضل فرصة ممكنة لتجنيد المتطوعين المتميزين والاحتفاظ بهم. وهذا يشمل ما يلي: قم بالإعلان عن فرصك على موقع الترويج لفرصك لأفراد من الجمهور المحالين إلينا أو عبر وظيفة الاستقبال لدينا. الإعلان عن فرصك على صفحتنا على Facebook و Twitter الترويج لفرصك للخدمات المحلية التي تدعم التطوع على سبيل المثال. Job Center و LearnDirect و 2GetherTrust الإعلان عن فرصك في أكثر من 30 حدثًا سنويًا إرسال فرصك إلى الشركات المحلية التي تقدم التطوع المدعوم من صاحب العمل تعزيز الفرص ذات الصلة للمدارس والكليات والجامعات توزيع فرصك على قاعدة بيانات المتطوعين لدينا لأكثر من 1000 شخص الترويج لفرصك في مجموعة متنوعة من الشبكات ، بما في ذلك تعرف على الباتش (Know Your Patch) Get in touch - call us on 01594 822073, via email or visit us at FVAF, Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm)
- What's going on | Mysite
أخبار وأحداث