My Networks Mental Health Project
Mycelium - Forest Mental Health Project
The Forest Community of Practice
Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership
Recovery and Wellbeing Café
The Resources Hub & Library
The Forest Community of Practice
Monthly face-to-face learning collaborative, reflective practice & peer supervision. 2nd Tuesday each month. The Forest Community of Practice is for individuals working and volunteering with members of our community where support for mental health is a significant part of their role. This has been set up in response to the My Networks Scoping Project.
Many local social care practitioners stated that they wished to receive ongoing support to develop reflective practice, link with others and build skills that would help them to become more confident responding to mental distress, particularly with the increasing complexities that they were coming across in their roles.
The C of P will be supported by clinicians, professionals and lived experience practitioners from the VCS & NHS who have been involved in the Community Mental Health Transformation programme. It will provide an opportunity for collaborative learning, peer supervision and professional development. We hope a community of Forest mental health practitioners will emerge from these sessions. If you, or a mental health champion from your team, are interested and able to join us, please get in touch.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or want the most current information about scheduling details - simon@fvaf.org.uk or text 07394 945046
Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership
The Locality Partnership offers VCS and faith-based organisations the opportunity to meet with other professionals and voluntary groups who are supporting people with their mental health in the Forest of Dean.
The Partnership is a collective of social care practitioners who are working towards a community response to the My Networks scoping project findings. By coming together, we hope to keep abreast of developments, begin partnership projects or create collaborative opportunities that can address what is needed for better mental health in the Forest of Dean.
We are now an integral part of the wider Forest Know Your Patch network. Regular online meetings as well as live, in-person events are held where topics and projects are discussed and highlighted. As well as this, the FKYP works closely with other statutory organisations offering a platform to disseminate up-to-date information about services available in the community.

Recovery & Wellbeing Café
“A Community Created Curriculum of Curious Conversations”
Weekly Face-to-Face Discussions & Recovery Educational Sessions
Each Wednesday (Term Time) at Café 16 in Coleford
from 6-8pm.
“A safe space to create who you are,
not be told what to think.”
Join conversations with a diverse range of people with professional & lived experience of different subjects, local people who have gained understandings about the impact current concerns have upon mental health, recovery and wellbeing.
We are building a supportive space where, as critical friends, we can learn together and support each other with our individual understandings.
All curious & compassionate folk welcome.
Recovery & Wellbeing Café
- Current Programme

The Resource Hub, Research Room & Lived Experience Library

Leaflets & literature on wellness, recovery, self-help & coping with mental distress.
The group office, based above the Library at The Main Place in Coleford, is available for members to use as a safe and confidential space. We keep material that may be of use to members – and we are happy for people to provide us with leaflets that they would like shared.
To read the My Networks Scoping Project Report please visit: www.fvaf.org.uk/publications